



Direct Payment System of Lump-Sum Benefit for Childbirth/Nursing to Medical Institutions

 Expenses related to the normal delivery are not covered by the insurance. Shussan Ikuji Ichijikin Jyuryou Inin Shiharai Seido / Lump-Sum Benefit for Childbirth/Nursing aims to minimize the financial burden for childbirth and help mothers to have a worry-free delivery. This system allows you to pay the expense of childbirth using the lump-sum benefit for childbirth/nursing directly to medical institutions
1.   Who are eligible? 
  Individuals who are members of National Health Insurance or Social Health Insurance and are
  four or more month pregnant.
2.  Amount of Direct Payment
(1)When total expenses for childbirth exceed 420,000 yen, the full amount of Lump-Sum Benefit for Childbirth will be deposited to the medical institution. In this case, the patient will be responsible for the difference between the billing amount and amount of Lump-Sum Benefit for Childbirth/Nursing and this amount must be paid at the time of discharge from the hospital.
When total expenses for childbirth do not exceed 420,000 yen, the amount on the invoice will be deposited to the medical institution and the difference between the billing amount and 420,000 yen will be paid to the person insured.